
Domex Invites Harpic To Flush It Down Its Toilet!

When in school, we picked up a fight with someone all the time. For no reason, at worst, to a stupid reason, at best. But we were smart enough to pick someone our size to fight. We knew the odds were stacked against us, if we chose a person bigger in size and stronger than us.

While we seemed to understand the basics of battle as a kid, sadly we forget it when we get an MBA. And choose someone ten times our size to pick a fight with. With naturally predictable and calamitous consequences.

The amazing marketers of Domex have decided to go to war. Understandable. They have been too timid and quiet in the toilet cleaner market for years. It’s high time they woke up and woke their brand as well. Deplorably, they have chosen a brand that’s more than ten times their size, Harpic. The queen of the Indian toilet. Even worse, they have decided to take her head on.

Any guesses who’ll win.

Harpic, of course. The sleeping beauty will wake half an eye at the minor intruder, smile and flush Domex down its own toilet!

To start a fight, you need to stand on solid ground first. Domex is struggling to even stand; in the store shelves or, for that matter, in customers’ minds. Yet, in their MBA wisdom, Domex marketers have taken the battle to the very brand that sets the tone and writes the rules of the toilet cleaner category. It reminds me of the famous Rajinikanth’s dialogue about the man who couldn’t even get up, yet wanted to have nine wives. Strike one.

The cardinal sin in war is to fight a superior army. 7, if my maths knowledge is right, is stunningly smaller than 70. A 7% market share brand like Domex should be thinking of growing by gaining from other smaller brands in its vicinity like Sanifresh and co. Not step on a sleeping giant like Harpic that enjoys 70% market share. Mice can play but only till the cat wakes up. Strike two.

Last I heard, people wanted clean and disinfected toilets. If it smells good, great. Never the other way around. Harpic stands for clean. And ‘clean’ is the category truth. Fragrance is just icing on the cake. A brand needs to meet category truth first before it offers value adds. Domex is yet to meet category requirements. Reason why they are languishing at the bottom of the market share table. They first need to present their ‘cleaning’ credentials before they talk about other things. Harpic, on the other hand, is the cleaner numero uno. All they now have to do now is to launch a range of fragrances. Voila. The cleaning queen will smell good too. Strike three.

Domex is out. Toast. History. Done. Dusted. Game set and match, Harpic!

You may say HUL, that owns Domex, is much bigger than Reckitt, that has Harpic. You may say the big HUL can outshout, outrun and outgun the small Reckitt. That may be, but it’s not HUL that’s has gone to war with Reckitt. It’s Domex. It’s David that has chosen to go head-to-head with Goliath that’s ten times its size. With a history that’s weak and with a proposition that’s fringy.

A primary school kid has picked a Ph.d to fight with. Expect to hear the sound of a toilet being flushed. And Domex being crushed!