When clients decide to be indecisive
Choosing between two things that are similar is one of the most difficult decisions we can make. Recall the time your parents gave you pictures of two girls and asked you to choose one. To marry, of course. Remember how you struggled to decide. Recall how you kept postponing the decision. You still think you ended up making the wrong decision.
The only thing we do quickly while deciding – is to be indecisive. And we end up paying a price for it. You see it with your customers too. They are always pitching our brands with competition and wondering which one to buy. While you keep twiddling your thumbs waiting to close the deal.
What do you do in such times?
Dan Ariely, noted psychologist and behavioural economist, shows us a way in his wonderful book ‘Predictably Irrational’. Here is a paragraph from the book verbatim.
‘One of my friends spent three months selecting a digital camera from two nearly identical models. When he finally made his selection, I asked him how many photo opportunities had he missed, how much of his valuable time he had spent making the selection, and how much he would have paid to have digital pictures of his family and friends documenting the last three months. He thought about his indecision for a while and admitted he had indeed paid more than the price of the camera.’
What his friend, us and our customers do when we must decide between two things is that we focus on similarities and minor differences between alternatives. So much so we fail to consider the consequences of not deciding.
I repeat: We are busy working on what to decide that we fail to realize what we lose by not deciding. His friend, by wasting time comparing two cameras, failed to consider all the great pictures he was missing, not to mention the lost time and needless effort.
So is the case with our customers who fail to take into consideration the relatively minor differences that would have come with either one of the decisions they are supposed to make. Just like the friend who would have been equally happy with either camera, maybe your customers too could have simplified their business faster and immersed themselves with better things than having to endlessly debate as to which solution to buy.
Maybe, it’s too late trying this idea while selecting a spouse now that you are already done and dusted. But you may want to try it with your customer the next time he is stuck between your brand and a competing brand. Let him know the things he is losing by not making a quick decision. You may help him make a quick decision, and in your favour too.
You can still live happily ever after. After all!